Razz's Neocities

Website Archive

A page dedicated to archiving the main page of my website/layouts that I made previously. It starts from Oldest to Newest. Click each image to get taken to a full size.

Razz Neocities Version 0.0

Version 0.0 of Razz's * Neocities Site

Version 0.0
Host NeoCities
Date February 28th, 2024 - August 17th, 2024
Comment I honestly both loved this layout at first, but quickly grew out of love of it since it didn't do what I really wanted. After all it was the W3schools basic box layout that I followed a tutorial to make. Then I slowly started adding on my own stuff to it. A lot of the original code was mostly reincorporated into my true Version 1 of the layout.
Razz Neocities Version 1.0

Version 0.0 of Razz's * Neocities Site

Version 1.0
Host NeoCities
Date August 18th, 2024 - Ongoing
Comment Based heavily on the original Version 0.0. I didn't like how wide the original site was and instead based it on a grid layout instead. Got a bit more ambitious with what I implemented into ths site. Also with this update I added more folders into ths site to better organize, rather than have all of the pages in the maid directory. somehting you wouldn't really see but for me it felt needed. Site is still super messily built all-in-all.