She/her | 94 | Canada
Does digital art for fun and enjoys anime, manga and novels. Can't help but watch YouTube and listen to D&D Podcasts.
About Razz
Hello I am RazzPixel, I also just go by Razz if you want, I am a hobbyist at heart with my interests. I just do things for the fun of it~
My usual Sona is the one on the right, with tanned skin and red eyes. It's based off of how I used to like to draw myself as a kid over 20 years ago now. She's changed quite a bit over there years. I like to change between the combo of red horns and red angel wings to red halo with red bat wings. I have embraced the cringe of being multiple things. Also I've always drew myself with pointed elf ears and sharp teeth, I was obsessed with Legend of Zelda as a child and always drew myself as an elf.
About the Site
I've been on the internet for a real long time now, I've always wanted to make my own site, so I've dabbled in a few different sites over the years. I've always liked the idea of actually coding my own. So this site, and my Nekoweb site, have about the same stuff as each other. While my Carrd site looks a lot different since it's done with a site builder, unlike me slapping together HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and whatever else I did.
Even though I absolutely adore old style websites made with tables and made for smaller screens I can't help but want my site to be able to change to fit on smaller screens, so even though I try and encaspulate the heart of older personal sites, it is still obviously a modern site at it's heart. I honestly wish I understood how JavaScript works so I could incorporate it into this layout in some way... But this is decent enough for now.